


Our music is released on various popular music streaming platforms. Just search for "donkerbot" in your favourite service and we will likely be available. Here are the main ones:


Check out our artist profile on Spotify.


We have two YouTube channels. The first one is YouTube's automated donkerbot - Topic channel. We have no control over this channel, all our releases are automatically added here as a video with just the cover art of the release as video. Good for listening to all our releases on YouTube. It has a playlist for each release and one with the 'Top Tracks', which we have included here:

The second channel on YouTube is our official donkerbot music channel. It has all our official videos as well as anything else related to donkerbot.


Deezer. We don't use this service ourselves, so we have no idea if it's any good.
We're also on Tidal, but it appears as non-user we can't find our own artist page, so we just trust it's on there.